• Basic Web Design Tips And Tricks From The Pros


    In order to run a successful website, you need to have a good understanding of the best website design practices. A good design makes your website easier to use and makes you look like a real professional. Not only will this entice new visitors, but it will make them repeat viewers as well. This article contains a selection of tips and ideas that will help you to become an excellent web designer.

    When you design a web page, always choose the graphics that are appropriate for your purposes. Keep in mind that bitmaps don’t usually work well, while PNGs do. PNG is the right choice for non-photo images, such as text buttons and screen shots. If an image has in excess of 256 colors choose PNG. If it does not, GIF is another option. Photos require JPEG to ensure high quality.

    Look at your site in many different browsers. It …

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